written and directed by Carolina Isabella Campos
"Friends and family living in Miami, navigating love, desire, and friendship."
A high energy show that places us in the heart of Miami, the nuance of what one is willing to do to protect one's loved ones is brought to life through a comedy that unravels into a suspenseful thriller. Punctuated initially by lively Bad Bunny and Lauren Hill tracks, the soundscape of Miami Boyyyzzzzzz slowly becomes more abstract as we progress through the story to match the characters' increasing chaos and panic. 
Ambience builds the world around the characters and their story, guiding the show from setting to setting.

Production Credits
Director - Carolina Isabella Campos
Stage Manager - Alexander Farrell
Lighting Designer - Hailey Garza
Sound Designer - Iris Chiu

Raul - JJ Beck
Kristina - Annalisa D'Aguilar
Eddy - Marco Porras
Anthony - Michael Basil Cook
Dani - Siggy Bijou
Marissa - Ella Noriega

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